Bone Grafts
Most patients who need a bone graft only need a smaller grafting procedure which can be done in the office setting. We are also able to reconstruct larger bone defects at our hospital, Trillium Health Partners, for the patients who have severe bone loss in their jaws.
At Spectrum Oral Surgery, we offer a variety of options to prepare patients for dental implants if it is needed. We will assess you and provide you with your options should you need a bone grafting procedure.
Sinus Lift Surgery
Sinus lift surgery is a procedure involving the raising of the tissue lying on the sinus floor and developing bone for the placement of dental implants in the back portion of the upper jaw. Several techniques can be used to raise the sinus and allow for new bone to form.
The bone usually will be allowed to develop for about 4-6 months before implants can be placed. Undergoing sinus lift surgery has been shown to be predictable and to greatly increase your chances for successful implants when needed.